
Acupressure is a traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) practice that involves treating blocked energy, or qi , by applying manual pressure to specific points on the body.
It is similar to acupuncture, except that it uses fingertip pressure instead of needles.
Acupressure points lie along those meridians. If qi is blocked at any point on a meridian, it's thought to cause health problems along that major body system. Acupressure works by placing pressure on specific points on the body to restore healthy energy flow called qi. Application of pressure requires precision because some 365 points are located on the major channels, plus there are over 650 individual pressure points. Similar to the circulatory system's network of vessels, each channel has a network of connections.


Stimulates the body's circulatory, lymphatic and hormonal system
Relieve stress and anxiety
Improves sleep 
Relaxes your muscles and joints
Regulates digestive issues
Minimizes headaches and migraines
Helps back pains and menstrual cramps.